Friday, September 17, 2010

Pray for each other!

It has been a challenging few days here at the Osborne household. I will post more about this in the coming days, but wanted to make a brief post first.

One of our greatest privileges as the body of Christ is the ability to pray for one another. So many people are struggling with personal issues, sicknesses, the loss of loved ones, the loss of jobs, and many other things. When a friend asks for prayer, if we tell them that we're going to pray for them, we need to do it!

Be specific and intentional. Write it down in a prayer journal and pray specifically for that request. Then when it has been answered (sometimes this may be much further down the road, and not always in the way that you asked), write the answer down too. It is so encouraging to be able to flip back through the pages of my prayer journal and to see how God has answered and delivered.

For myself I have learned that I need to have a specific place and time that I can spend with the Lord in prayer. I need to do it first thing, before the day has even gotten going. I need to get out of my bed and kneel down, so that I'm not distracted by too many other things. Sometimes it's hard to focus, to be intentional. Keep praying anyway. God is listening. The Bible says that the Holy Spirit intercedes for us in groanings "too deep for words". God desires for us to spend time talking to Him in prayer.

Dr. Yount, our pastor, said that prayer is not asking God to do our will, but it is allowing God to align our will with His. He can change our hearts if we will let him.

Spend time today praying for those around you that you know need it. Pray for our country, for our leaders, for your families and friends.

Love you all! Please let me know if there is something you'd like me to be praying about for you!

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