Monday, July 18, 2011

Clean Home Challenge Day #1

Today officially begins our Clean Homes Challenge. I will try to post a task each day for those of you who are following along and participating with us.
Hopefully, last week you got your daily/weekly routines figured out, so this week we will begin tackling projects that you've been putting off. We will start in the kitchen this week. I HATE for my kitchen to get messy and out of control. Anywhere else in the house won't bother me too bad, but the kitchen can totally get my worked up if it's a mess. So that is where we will be starting our challenge.

Today's task is relatively simple and easy.

Our first task is one many of you have done before. Today we are going to SHINE OUR SINK!

FLY Lady is the ultimate 'shine your sink' guru, and has a great page with instructions on how to do it properly. You can view that page by clicking here.

Here are step by step instructions and pictures for how I do it.

(Just for fun, here's a before shot. Yes, apparently my sink really was that dirty!)

1. I take out the 'shine your sink' instructions from my Home Management Notebook (we'll talk more about this next week)

2.Rinse out any loose pieces of dirt and then run a sink FULL of hot water. Add to that 1 cup of bleach.

3. Set your timer and let that sit for 60 minutes.

4. Drain and then use a cleaner of your choice (I prefer Baking Soda) and sprinkle it into your sink. 

5. Use that cleaner and scrub your sink really well.

6.  Rinse your sink well. Then use a straight edge to go around the faucets, the edges and anywhere else that is grimy. I use a butter knife and a thin cloth. You can also use an old toothbrush or even dental floss to get under the faucet rim.

7. Dry your sink out well and then spray it with a glass cleaner to get it good and shiny.

Here's the finished product:

To me that was the easy part. The hardest part is in coming up with what system you will use to keep your sink looking good. FLY lady recommends keeping a basket under the sink that you will put your dirty dishes in. Here is mine:

We are not GREAT at sticking to this. The plan is that dirty dishes must either go in the basket under the sink or in the dishwasher. When we use the sink, if we will wipe it out right then with a clean dish cloth, then the sink stays shiny.

What about you? What system do you like to use?


  1. In December of last year I discovered though many blogs (Fly lady included) the benefits of home management. I quickly put together a binder with my home management materials along with personal goals to begin 1/1/11. I started out strong and continued up until my pregnancy took control and my days of home management were gone. It's amazing how your mood and happiness is affected by having a "managed" home. I have started to update my binder with new schedules, tasks and goals. Now that I'm not working and with a new member of the family, my schedules must change and will change almost daily. I may not complete all of my tasks for the day but for the most part I feel like my house is a home once again. Just a few tasks completed daily can make a huge difference in the feel of your home.... your mood too. Shining your sink is a great place to start. I'm looking forward to getting back into this and having you to help guide me and others along. Thanks Kara!

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