Thursday, June 21, 2012

I need you to know...

I went to a funeral today.

A funeral for a 36 year old woman who died from cancer.

A woman I never met, but from all that I have learned about her- she was incredible. She touched lives. She spread joy and hope and was a light in her community and workplace.

Her death was a terrible tragedy that has left many heartbroken. The amazing thing was, today’s funeral wasn’t sorrowful. It was a celebration. It was full of hope because everyone there knew that Stacey was in a better place.

You see, I believe (as the Bible states) that after we die, if you have accepted Christ then you will spend eternity in Heaven. I also believe that if you have not accepted Christ, you spend eternity separated from Him in Hell.
If I believe that to be true, but I am not actively telling that to those that I love (and those that I don’t), then I’m completely failing you.

Why would I want to see anyone go through life without a relationship that can change their entire being- One that provides hope, peace, and joy?

Why would I want ANYONE to suffer the punishment of Hell?
I am not perfect. I do not have it all figured out.  But what I have is a relationship with the One who IS perfect. Who not only has it all figured out, but who is also working all things together for my good and for His glory…even when it doesn’t make sense. And I trust Him enough to know that His way is best!

The church is slowly declining. While Christians are remaining silent, people are dying each day without ever having a relationship with God. As uncomfortable as it is, I need you to know that I love you. Each one of you. But more importantly, there is a GOD who loves you. And I want you to know that He made a way for you so that you don’t have to endure a life and eternity separated from Him. The God who created you and formed your being knows you intimately and loves you abundantly.

For those of us that choose to accept His invitation, we can rejoice in knowing that death is not the end. But for those that haven’t yet, or that aren’t ready, I couldn’t let tonight go by without telling you that there is another way.
I am praying for you as you read this. I am praying for Christians that read this to be emboldened and ready to go out and reach the world for Christ. And I’m praying for those that may not know Him and who think they have no need of Him.

I love you. He loves you.

I am here if you ever need to talk.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what a great testimony of your faith. I completely agree with you that the church (people) needs to stop being sheepish and silent. I am completely guilty of keeping my mouth closed when I felt it would be uncomfortable to talk about God or salvation. Thank you for having the courage to write this. Hopefully we can all nudge each other into being silent no longer. Take care!


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