Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Clean Home Challenge Day #9

Welcome back, friends! I hope you had a great weekend and got your refrigerators all cleaned out! Isn't it easier to take inventory of what you need at the store when you can actually tell what you have in your pantry and fridge? Remember to keep sharing your pictures. I know for myself I am  much more likely to keep plugging along when I know that others are doing it with me and supporting me along the way!

Today we tackle our Medicine Cabinets!

Go through and weed out any expired prescriptions, any duplicate medicines (you can store the extras somewhere else in your home), and any extra items that shouldn't be there.
Here is my BEFORE:

And here is my AFTER: You'll notice there isn't much difference in the two. I had already cleaned out my medicine cabinet a month or so ago. All I really did this time was put things back to where they should be so that I can easily find items that I need.

Because this cabinet goes quickly back to a state of chaos if I'm not really careful, I made a list to remind me where certain items are (and where to put them back when I'm done with them...and as a reminder to Marcus :)  ).

I also keep a dosage chart here for  our kids medications:

This chart has helped A LOT when it's the middle of the night and I'm not thinking completely clearly but need to give them kids some medicine. I recommend it for any of you with kids. I got it from the Internet.

I also keep a few quotes posted here that I like to think of often:

Finally, here's something else I recommend that you keep in or near your medicine cabinet. I plan to start using ours today! It's a medicine tracker sheet so you can keep track of when you take what medicine. It doesn't seem that necessary until your child is sick and is getting multiple medicines. It's also good to help you remember weeks and/or months later what antibiotics they took, etc. Did you know some antibiotics can cause reactions up to 3 months later?

Lastly, make sure your medicine cabinet isn't easily accessible by your kids. I won't even go into details of the time that K got into ours and drank a bunch of Children's Zyrtec. Not my finest parenting moment, and certainly one I don't want to relive!

Keep up the good work, guys. I'm SO proud of you!!! Love you all!

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