Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Facebook Fast...

After several of you have sent me messages or approached me over my decision to go on a "Facebook fast", I felt the need to explain. 

The main reason was that at this past weekend’s marriage retreat, God spoke LOUD and CLEAR about the need to realign priorities in my own life. I have gotten so BUSY doing unimportant things, or even good things, that I’m missing out on the BEST things. I am doing a poor job in several areas of my life and there is room for MAJOR improvement in my home management as well as in my most important job- parenting. 

Marcus and I desire to cut out many of the activities that are eating away at not only our time, but also our attention. And if I’m being completely transparent, Facebook is my #1 distraction. I am addicted. When I wake up in the morning, before getting out of bed I turn on the TV to check the news and weather and then…yep, I check Facebook on my phone. I literally probably check my notifications on my phone or browse status updates about 10 times a day. That my friends, is a problem! Some of you are thinking how crazy that is, but I know there are others of you who are in the same place.
I had a sweet friend tell me tonight that she just doesn’t understand it. That she can take Facebook or leave it…that it doesn’t bother her if she’s not checking it for days at a time. I applaud her and any of you in the same position. And it is my goal to get to that point. But the main priority for me right now, is to begin reclaiming some of the space in my heart, my mind, and in my day that Facebook had begun overtaking.
We spoke a lot about legacy this weekend…what type of legacy we are leaving for our children…investing in those people who will cry at our funerals. And my friend Carrie put it best, “I don’t think that my 900 facebook friends will be the ones crying at my funeral!”. I have many other reasons, but I could never write them as eloquently as some of my favorite bloggers. Here are some pieces of things that have written before that speak as to why I am leaving facebook for a while.
“Sometimes I think we need to step back and decide what we are going to focus on. Are we going to be women who focus on all the “projects” we want to accomplish in a day or are we going to focus on the Risen Lord and serving his Kingdom for his glory? The two are not always mutually exclusive, but sometimes that list of bookmarked blogs (or my news feed) can get in the way of hearing that still small voice of the Holy Spirit meant to refresh and inspire our inner being. We can miss what the Lord himself is calling us to do while browsing through what our favorite blogs or facebook friends are encouraging us to do”… (Desiring Virtue blog
Sometimes, many times, most times, we need less of the internet and more of the Lord himself influencing our day. Something tells me that if we spent as much time in prayer as we do pinning things, posting things, and tweeting things, we would be much better homemakers, parents, wives, neighbors, evangelists, and church members. Have you ever compared the amount of time you spend on the internet being inspired with the amount of time you spend on your knees begging the Lord to shape and mold your day? He is the one with the real power to change you, to accomplish his glorious will in your life, to create the servant’s heart you desire, and yet he is the one we most often neglect. We are more often directed by what our favorite blogs and facebook friends put before us than what the Holy Spirit is prompting us to do. (Desiring Virtue Blog)
Some of the possible dangers of Facebook as written by Courtney at
1-     * Hurt feelings- I have been on BOTH sides of this issue. I have caused hurt feelings by the things I have posted I have done/people I have been spending time with, etc. and I have had mine hurt by those same things.
2-      *Judging- Courtney says it best “I am not on facebook to be the Holy Spirit”. Yet how many times have I judged others based on their status updates or photos?
3-    *  Public Embarrassment- the ability to say virtually anything you want to without having to own up to it using Facebook is dangerous. Courtney shared Proverbs 10:19: “When words are many, transgression is not lacking, but whoever restrains his lips is prudent.” It is past time that I learn to do this! J
4-      *Jealousy and Discontent- The comparison trap is just that – a trap!   Pictures of vacations, new homes, new cars, or fun nights out with friends are a breeding ground for jealousy.  There are two sides to this coin.  First there’s the person putting the information out there.  Is it wrong to show your vacation or fun night out?  NO…but can we be sensitive to those who weren’t invited or who can’t afford a vacation this year.  We don’t have to post every picture or every night out.  Philippians 2:4 says “ Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.”  This was Courtney’s description and it sums up perfectly what I wanted to say.

I will miss reading about all of your lives. I will probably feel disconnected for a while and wonder what you’re up to. But, maybe I’ll spend some of the time I spent looking at your vacation pictures instead reading God’s word…maybe I’ll play Barbies with Karsyn, or watch Chuggington with Mack. Maybe I’ll enjoy a family dinner without jumping up to get the notification on my phone when it goes off…and maybe, I’ll learn more about true friendship in the process.
John Piper said:  “One of the great uses of Twitter and Facebook will be to prove at the Last Day that prayerlessness was not from lack of time.” Wow. Enough said there.
I love y’all! Keep in touch with my through texts, calls, or email at!

1 comment:

  1. You met Angela and Scott didn't you? They are leading our Courgeous Bible study at Reflection. We have alo talked a lot about Legacy! I will be praying for you and your family as God continues to reveal blessings to you! You can always reach me if you want to talk!


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